Shifting Demographics: Where Americans Are Moving

Moving In
1. Oregon
2. South Carolina
3. North Carolina
4. District of Columbia
5. South Dakota
6. Nevada
7. Texas
8. Colorado

Moving Out
1. New Jersey
2. Illinois
3. New York
4. West Virginia
5. Connecticut
6. Utah
7. Kentucky
8. Massachusetts
9. New Mexico

Oregon boasts the no. one position as far as the number of people flocking to the state. New Jersey took the claim to shame with the largest no. of people moving away. The 37th Annual Migration Study has tracked company's customers moving in and out of states over the course of the year. ( )
plate map
“Business incentives, industrial growth and relatively lower costs of living are attracting jobs and people to the Southeastern and Western states such as South Dakota, Colorado and Texas,” said Michael Stoll, economist, professor and chair of the Department of Public Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles. “We’re also seeing continued migration to the Pacific Northwest as young professionals and retirees are drawn to amenities including public transit, green space and the local arts and entertainment scene.” ( )

Balancing Act
Nebraska, Tennessee, Iowa, Alabama, Louisiana, Michigan and Indiana all found a nice balancing act between those who left the states versus those who moved in. For Michigan, this is the first year they have been able to achieve a balance after 16 years of migration deficit speaking largely to the rebound of Detroit and overall income per capita.

Western States

The Western states also experienced significant change since 2012, particularly with Montana and Idaho shifting from balanced to inbound states. Additionally, Washington went from inbound to balanced, leaving the majority of the Western Unites States balanced.
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