Opinion Of Real Estate: How To Combat The Negativity
When I see an article like this one, I cannot help but read it and share my opinion. . .
“When I set out to evaluate the real estate industry, in as far as ways in which value could be added at the “B” and “C” ends of the spectrum, I did not set out on any “witch hunt” for mediocrity. However, that being the actual case, there are far too many “witches” of real estate out there. Not unlike used car salesmen (the cliche), Realtors have sometimes taken a bad rap. Now as we look into how they operate, there seems to be some justification ever more.”
This article was tough to get through, but I think I did pull some valuable lessons from it I would like to share… and to speak out against the cynicism against Realtor’s in general.
ARTICLE CRITICISM: “In most cases, these people are far too busy and important to actually engage in any conversation. They simply want to lay on the couch, or sit at the bar, out on the veranda sipping mint juleps, writing instructions to agency subordinates on cocktail napkins. Hey, if you don’t want to buy into the next web, fine, just stay off it and leave your SPAMMY comments to your contemporarys’ websites.”
TAKE AWAY: Finding Authenticity in Social Media:
One challenge I face when blogging, commenting, and staying engaged online is not being spammy. Offering local information, real estate tips that are specific to the climate, and even some person anecdotal blogs all work to personal, inform, and welcome online readers.
ARTICLE CRITICISM: “All of those six people that like his profile, the three posts he or his understudy made when creating the presence back in April, those are so engaging too. The nearly one billion people on Facebook cannot wait to discover John has; “Just listed! 5 bedroom, 3 bath in Candlewick estates.”John’s website recieves, according to Compete, on the order of 200 plus visitors a month and climbing. That’s something like 8 people per day wandering in from Google, Bing, dilligently searching out the world’s greatest real estate guru.”
TAKE AWAY: Market Yourself For What You Are:
Everyone wishes they could say they are the ‘best realtor in the valley’ but of course, not everyone can since not everyone can be the best. I am a big stats fan. The numbers are undeniable if you can follow the back end of your pages and SEE the viewer ratio, click rates, and be able to monitor where and what the online community is doing to interact with the online you. What comes out of these stats? Online search boosts. Instead of the ‘8 people diligently searching,’ when you personally care about improving your numbers, then the adjustments you make to your sites, blogs, and advertisements with speak for themselves. Sure, they may not say I am the best in the valley, but they will say “Hey, look, I care about what you are looking at online and that ultimately is just the first step in how attentively we would like to serve you.”
If you are displeased with the interaction you have had or do have with your realtor, I urge you to just bring it to their attention. At Bozeman Montana Real Estate.net, we believe the experience should not be one laden with stress and/or uncomfortable moments. “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure” ~Colin Powell
Criticism Take From: http://realtybiznews.com/worlds-greatest-realtor/98713314/