Not Looking to Sell? You Can Still Prepare NOW!
As a owner of my very first home and as a person who has their camera as a third arm, I have found inspiration in a blog today that makes me think about what the everyday home owner can do even before they know they want to sell their home. A home is a place where life happens. This blog celebrates that:
“So you have a house you're proud of and would love to share on online but you find yourself putting it off because... A. You don't have a nice camera or a photo editing system. B. There are homes out there that are much prettier than yours. C. It's usually not that clean and you don't want to feel like a phony. D. (insert your excuse here).
When photographing a room take some wide shots that share a whole space, or chunks of a space that are well-defined, and then take some vignette shots. A vignette is a focused grouping such as the items on the top of the shelf above. You can tell it's there in the first photo but it's lost in space and I'm not really sharing anything else worthwhile.”
So take an afternoon or evening and just wander your home and capture that moment. Offer these pictures to your listing agent down the road, and allow them to speak to the personality of the home. I know that when I go out to take pictures of a listing to market it, knowing the spirit of the home is essential for it to be successful in my eyes. Your home is unique.
ps. Bozeman Montanan Real just sold a home and the
clients called to request I send them a CD of the listing photographs. This touched me and re-emphasized the emotion the walls of a home hold.
clients called to request I send them a CD of the listing photographs. This touched me and re-emphasized the emotion the walls of a home hold.