Snagging Listings—what is the Best Approach?

As a long-time realtor I know what I do well and what I falter with. Because of this, I have had a company largely focused around the buyer’s end of the real estate market. Due to the development of a stunning team here in the office, I now find that I can face the challenge of getting more listings to circulate through too. Emphasizing listings will provide me with a new adventure and personal growth, the only question is how do I get those sellers to choose me?  
Here are a few reasons I have come up with:
  • Community, community, community. Bozeman is a semi-large (comparative to other Montana towns) city that manages to maintain a few local, small town feel. Localism means the world to residents of the Gallatin Valley and the Gallatin Valley means the world to me. Possible clients are ANYONE you meet on the street, at a social function, or skiing down the slopes.
  • Follow up once a possible client contacts you. A very simple phone call letting the client-to-be know that you are interested in their listing can make all the difference.
  • Be able to price accurately. An accurate CMA is a hook-line-and-sinker or it can be the nail in the coffin on a deal.
So, these are all no brainers and with spring in the air my mind is eager to hear some fresh ideas! Comment and share in this forum on how to attract buyers! If you are a potential seller, what can a realtor offer you to make them look the most appealing? 
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