Cell phone laws in Bozeman Montana Changing

          Cell Phone Laws in Affect in Bozeman!

Yes, we are a little slower than most of the rest of the country.  However, very recently the city did pass a law restricting cell phone use in Bozeman while you are driving or riding your bicycle!  Starting on January 17, 2012 you could get a ticket folks, one worth $100 (how many lattes will that buy you?).

While most of us agree cell phone use is dangerous while driving, there are some out there that think this is an assault on their freedom and just one more law to obey in town.  I for one am using my hands free and I am expecting a safer environment while driving in town.

   Jenifer Owens   Broker/Owner
 BozemanMontanaRealEstate.net        2149 Durston  Ste 33   Bozeman, MT  59718 Cell:  406-209-0022
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