Baby Formula Collection
Baby Formula Collection
Bozeman area for collecting formula during this time of
the year to distribute to families who have infants in
need. Most of us know that formula is terribly
expensive, but invaluable to babes who have mothers
that cannot nurse for one reason or another.
This program was brought to us by Kama Werner who
had heard about another new mother that watered
down the formula to make it stretch, only to have her
infant hospitalized for malnutrition. After hearing this heart wrenching story, she started the Baby Formula Food Bank Drive that runs from Thanksgiving to December 22ndin the Gallatin Valley.
had heard about another new mother that watered
down the formula to make it stretch, only to have her
infant hospitalized for malnutrition. After hearing this heart wrenching story, she started the Baby Formula Food Bank Drive that runs from Thanksgiving to December 22ndin the Gallatin Valley.
Please don’t let the formula aisle overwhelm you, just pick a can and deliver it to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank or to Altitude Gallery at 134 E. Main, Bozeman, MT.