Clean Slate: New Year: Real Estate Goals 2013

Business success is an odd thing to gauge because there are so many components to it. Reflecting on this year I can affirmatively say that 2012 has been a blessing, a success, and carries the momentum I hope to move forward with in 2013.
As a business, setting personal and team goals allows everyone in the office to move in a united direction. Here are the questions I am pondering as I develop my 2013 business goals. What questions are you asking yourself? If you have some answers to these, feel free to share your thoughts/ideas below!

Q: As agents build a plan for the New Year, where should they begin?

Q: Where should I and my agents place our energy and attention in 2013?

Q: Why is a marketing plan important to success in 2013?


Q: How do I improve my return client rate?

Q: I would really like to make sure my clients are as educated as possible so that not only am I protecting their interests in a transaction, but they feel like they are knowledgeable enough to be secure in the decisions they are making: How to I make real estate education assessable?


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