Homeowner Pre-Inspection
Those who have sold or purchased a home have heard the term '
home inspection'. For a
home buyer, it is protection. It's an objective evaluation of a home's structure and systems, from top to bottom, including items like heating and cooling systems, plumbing and electrical, roof, attic, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, foundation, etc.
What is a Pre-Inspection?

More and more frequently, buyers are having h
ome inspections conducted prior to investing in a property. This is what's commonly referred to as a Pre-Inspection. While home inspectors do not advise whether a buyer should or shouldn't purchase, their results carry sizable weight.
Why Would a Homeowner Order a Pre-Inspection?
Typically, inspections are ordered at the request of the home buyer/lender. But more recently,
home sellers are ordering pre-inspections prior to listing their home. It's a great way to head off issues BEFORE the
homeowner discovers them. This could potentially increase the value of your property, lead to a smoother transaction after the home gets a contract, and also give the home seller peace of mind when it comes to home inspection time.
Sometimes having a third party professional assess a home can open the home seller's eyes to things which may have been overlooked. Individuals who live in a house get used to the property and may not see troubles which a possible buyer might. There are certainly cases where the homeowner utterly unaware that a problem exists. When was the last time you crawled into your attic looking for mold and appropriate ventilation?
A professional home inspector is trained to find what you and I commonly don't even notice. With no vested interest in the sale of the real estate, the
pre-inspector helps the seller to determine what needs attention prior to putting their home on the market.
Is a Home Pre-Inspection Right For Me?
Typically, a pre-inspection will cost $200 to $500. It may seem like a lot of cash out of pocket, but it could end up saving you tons of time and money in the end. Have a discussion with your
trusted realtor about the benefits and drawbacks of paying for a pre-inspection. If you choose to have one done, be selective about which company you hire. Make sure they are licensed and ask questions! What kind of experience do they have? How many inspections and pre-inspections have they conducted? What kind of
training and certifications do their inspectors receive? Look for firms who are members of the American Society of Home Inspectors.
As a seller, an unprejudiced investigation of your property's condition will be highly beneficial when placing it on the market. Knowing in advance what objections, if any, are likely to surface will help you cope with them in a way which won't setback the selling of your property.