The world of business has changed substantially since the invention of Social Media. Some of us remember a time BEFORE Social Media. It wasn’t even a ‘thing’. Forget about posting a status update, we had to learn HOW TO LOGIN! Others of us do not remember a time before Social Media. A life without Social Media is a foreign concept. We inherently knew how to operate Facebook because we were BORN into this tech-savvy world. Whichever group you fall into, there are a few things to remember about Social Media etiquette. This holds particularly true if you are using it to market yourself or your business, professionally. Here is the MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember when posting to Social Media:
Don’t put anything on the Internet that you don’t want your current boss, future boss, clients, or MOM to see.
Few things in this life have such permanent ramifications as posting a half-naked selfie on the vast abyss that is the Internet. Obvious right? That goes for ANYTHING you post online. Do you just HATE YOUR JOB today? Did you tell everyone about it on Twitter? Guess what? There’s a good chance your would-be future boss saw that post. It probably cost you the job you just applied for. Have you ever heard the saying ‘Dress for the job you want’? Apply this to your public appearance across the board. Look to someone who HAS the job you want. How do they present themselves? Are their posts inspiring? Or are they cringe-worthy, ambiguous rants about how unhappy they are today?
Here are a few other good rules of etiquette to follow when it comes to Social Media:
Offer quality content. It is important to provide information about yourself and/or your business, but you will reach more people if you offer other valuable/engaging information. Remember the most important rule here. Don’t share/post anything offensive.
Watch your grammar. It really does make a difference. Misspelled words and incorrect punctuation don’t go un-noticed on a professional level. And PLEASE don’t overuse Internet slang. The occasional LOL is acceptable in some situations, but don’t over-do it.
Be courteous. If someone does not accept your friend request just move on. No need to send a private message letting them know that it offends you. No need to send a 2nd or 3rd request either.
The world of Social Media can be an extremely useful tool when used correctly. Just remember to present yourself as you would face-to-face in a professional environment.