Using An Agent to Buy and Sell Your Home (Part 2 of 2)
Especially in rough economic times, the general public look to cut cost in any way they can to make their budgets last. During a move, many people look at the 2.5-3% of the sales or listing price and see that they can save ~$3,000 per each $100,000 within a real estate transaction if they go it alone without the representation of an agent. People can, and many do, view a few homes without formally signing a buy-sell but an agent is your access points to those homes. Experts and those who buy and sell regularly agree on one point: using an agent is will work the 2.5-3% commission they earn throughout a transaction. Let’s view this in some more detail:
- The Purple Room Phenomenon embodies the trait a realtor beings to the table that is 100% inside their head. If a buyer wants a house with something as unique and not general enough to be a searchable trait online such as a purple room, an agent, who has oftentimes been physically into many of the homes, will know exactly what to show the potential buyer. Intimate knowledge with the inventory that is on the market beyond the # of bedrooms, # of bathrooms, square footage, ect. Having this type of knowledge on your side will save you valuable time when house searching.
- Buying a home and selling a home are both major life changes for those involved. Real estate agents provide clients with an emotional unattached negotiator. It is easy to lose self-control when a buyer begins to pick apart the home you have created a life and family in or when a seller is poor at communicate a deadlines stop being met. Knowing there is a constant amount of professional pressure and meditation on your side so you do not have to sweat the small stuff may make the difference between a successful and failed transaction. Bozeman Montana Real offers a transaction manager with each transaction so even if your agent is busy or out showing, you always are guaranteed a lifeline to your transaction.