Education’s Effect on the Housing Market

Students Living at Home: Children who experience housing instability have always been thought to have direct struggles from the lack of consistency and permanence. Although there is ongoing research being done directly determining the fallacy or truths of that, the current take is a growing body of research suggests that stable, affordable housing may provide children with enhanced opportunities for educational success. Stability matters to children as they are being raised in a home. Home ownership matters because it provides that stability and security for your child/children.

Students Living on their Own: The no. 1 impact going to school has on students we have left their parent’s nest is that of the student loans students will take on when pursuing their education. The growing burden on young adult’s financial futures directly generated from student loans delays their confidence as they look to enter the real estate market.

“According to the 2010 Survey of Consumer Finances, 45 percent of all American families hold outstanding student-loan debt, up from 33 percent in 2007. While the majority of student debt is held by borrowers under the age of 35, the rise in student debt also affects older Americans. Thirty-six percent of families in a household headed by someone ages 45 to 54, 29 percent of families in a household headed by someone ages 55 to 64, and 13.3 percent of families in which the head of household is between the ages of 65 and 74 hold student debt.The average student-debt obligation has also risen significantly, increasing by close to $3,000 for households under age 30 and $6,000 for households between the ages of 30 and 39. Student-loan delinquencies and defaults have risen alongside the increase in student-debt burden: Banks wrote off $3 billion in student-loan debts during January and February of this year alone, according to Reuters.” (Source)


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