Home Love At First Sight
I have to just take a moment to explain the normal pattern of my blog
writing. I come in (normally fresh) in the mornings, and while I make my
coffee and set out the to-do list for the day, I scan the real estate news sources, the international market reports , and then the local interests.
From these sources I glean what I find to be most valuable and try to
synthesize and digest material and then put it out into the online
Today’s inspiration broke that pattern. While at a listing taking photos (listing featured within this blog!), a neighbor approached me and we struck up a conversation. This is why I love Bozeman. The complete
stranger I had that brief and amiable conversation with proceeded to
visit our office and drop off a physical copy of the Wall Street Journal
article “20 Seconds for Love at First Sight.”
in sighting both my original source and my means of acquiring, I would
just like to say thank you Mr. Marshall. Your act of interested kindness
has touched me.
The Adapted 20 Seconds for Love at First Sight:
Real estate listings
carry the burden that every man/woman alike has felt—first impression
judgment. That first photo that is marketed gets viewed by 95% of online
viewers for a mere 20 seconds before they begin to get distracted. Of
the total time a potential buyer
views a listing, 60% of their time is spend on the photos (the other
20% and 20% are spent on the description and the agent remarks).
As a marketing director, all these numbers are valuable to me. As a freelance photographer,
these stats present a challenge to me. In short, using the data above, I
am informed as to what and how to shoot, but I am also pushed to make a
listing memorable. Even if 60% of time is spent looking at my photos in
order to inform a decision, a potential buyer
looks at around thirteen from what I have gathered from the agents here
in the office. My listing is competing with 12 others at all times.
What a numbers game.