2013 Real Estate Mobile Opportunities

 Digital strategy building for 2013. There is a massive paradigm shift, that is one of my favorite descriptive analysis words as I am an international relations specialist, within real estate business structure that cannot go unnoticed in 2013. One way to reach out and expand to become a successful mobile marketer is by thinking what it is exactly to be a mobile consumer. Every agent and certainly every client using the mobile transfer of information uniquely but in a patterned and systematic way. Thanks to the useful blog I found at (http://www.inman.com/opinion/guest-perspective/2013/01/15/mobile-opportunities-in-2013-and-beyond), there is an easy way to organize mobile real estate shoppers.
The Window Shopper: These are the leads you have who are not actively looking to purchase but they are still on your hook, engaged and on the lookout for that single home that may just push them over the edge of indecision to writing up a contract. Window shoppers are interested in what is going on with real estate at a high level. What is recognized as being a big interest-getter to window shoppers are the PHOTOS. Yes, my personal favorite thing about real estate (shhh… don’t tell the agents that)—the photos. Make them glamorous, dramatic, and stunning. What with window shoppers of the modern day be looking at these photos on? More than likely a big screen tablet.
The Searcher: These are the leads who are committed to finding a new home but they are in no rush. They want to be able to search for their new dwelling. The reality about searches is that although it seems as if you have them all figured out, they will be looking on any device they can for that perfect fit—smart phones, computers, tablets, ect… Realtors must be ready to play in all the spaces if they hope to actively engage a Searcher from the start. It is critical to get Searchers on a leads program where they are getting the push notifications and updates that match the pace of their search.
The BUYER: Yep, this is the big one. The above two are both hopefully on their path to becoming The Buyer. Engaging clients at this level gets a little trickier since at this point it is the fostering of the longevity and the relationship (what we call our Realtor For Life Program) that really matters. Branding your brokerage in a non-in-your-face manner is, as our relations manager, the most difficult part of my job. I have found that the mobile world lessens that pressure although it does not make it disappear. Such things as having a digital review written by your client, having referral information in the signature of every email, and then finally and I think most importantly, remember, when clients go digital, reverting back to a handwritten thank you is just the surprise that will hopefully keep you in their minds for many years to come.


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